<b>Remote Desktop</b> Manager

Remote Desktop Manager

Le meilleur gestionnaire de connexions à distance sur le marché

Free Edition

Édition Free

Pour les utilisateurs individuels qui ne partagent pas des connexions à distance et des mots de passe privilégiés avec d’autres professionnels des TI.

Team Edition

Édition Team

Pour les fournisseurs de services gérés, les professionnels des TI et les techniciens en assistance technique qui doivent partager des connexions à distance et des mots de passe privilégiés avec les autres membres de l’équipe.

Centralisez, gérez et sécurisez les connexions à distance

Les départements des TI sont responsables de la gestion et du contrôle des accès à un inventaire toujours grossissant de serveurs, d’ordinateurs et d’appareils. En fait, l’utilisation de plusieurs types d’outils de gestion de connexions à distance et de mots de passe rend le travail inefficace, frustrant et non sécuritaire. Plutôt qu’évoluer dans un domaine où tout est organisé et simple, les professionnels des TI, les administrateurs système et les techniciens du centre d’assistance sont confrontés à un chaos perpétuel. La solution consiste à centraliser les technologies de connexions à distance, les données des machines distantes, la gestion des mots de passe et le contrôle des accès dans une plateforme sécuritaire, flexible et conviviale.

Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) vous permet de centraliser toutes vos connexions à distance dans une seule plateforme et de les partager avec l’ensemble de l'équipe. Grâce à la prise en charge de centaines de technologies intégrées, dont de multiples protocoles et réseaux privés virtuels, aux gestionnaires de mots de passe complets, aux contrôles d’accès généraux ou granulaires ainsi qu’aux applications clientes et mobiles, RDM est une boite à outils pour les TI en matière d’accès à distance. RDM permet aux services informatiques de renforcer la sécurité et d’augmenter la productivité à l’échelle de l’organisation, tout en réduisant les coûts, l’inefficacité et les risques.

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Fonctionnalités principales

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Logiciels connexes

Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) intègre Devolutions Server (DVLS), qui est la plateforme de gestion d’accès privilégiés de Devolutions. DVLS comprend un système robuste de contrôle d’accès basé sur les rôles. RDM peut également profiter des fonctionnalités de Devolutions Web Login, qui permet de se connecter automatiquement à des sites Web.


Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les avantages que procure Remote Desktop Manager? Nous avons préparé plusieurs documents techniques et infographiques pour vous.

Afficher toutes les ressources
Top 5 des fonctionnalités à rechercher dans une solution de gestion des connexions à distance
Surmonter les défis de la gestion des connexions à distance avec RDM
Des équipes TI plus efficaces avec une gestion sécurisée de connexions à distance et de mots de passe

Avis de la communauté


"I manage over 120 servers on 10 locations. I've tried other remote desktop tools and Devolutions is by far the best I've tried. Very easy to set up and organize. Lots off tools other than remote desktop are built into the app. Things like services, ping, port scan etc. Remote desktops open in tabs which makes it very easy to switch from server to server. Also the ability to store multiple passwords and assign them as needed is a real plus."

~Administrator in Civil Engineering Lire plus d'avis

"This product is truly the "Swiss Army Knife". When you think they've hit the mark, they go and add more functionality when you think there couldn't be much more. Starting from a simple tool to manage numerous connection types, it has morphed in to so much more. Many companies try to throw every feature, plus the kitchen sink, just to increase their version number. That is not the case with Devolutions. Each upgrade truly enhances the product!"

~Director, Global Engineering Cloud Lire plus d'avis

"This is a product that I strongly believe in. Rarely does a tool come along that becomes your entire toolbox. In the course of doing my daily work, I have to make hundreds of connections to remote servers, manage those servers, databases, web sites, application servers and developers. RDM gives me a centralized, single pane of glass from which to do all of it. I can store passwords using my favorite password manager, Keepass, write and assign scripts, manage services, and build custom connections to every device, server and workstation I manage."

~Frank M, VP Lire plus d'avis
I'm very impressed with Remote Desktop Manager. It's a tried and tested, true enterprise team solution. It's easy to deploy, simple to use, and extremely feature rich. Truly a must tool for all IT Pros in today's world.
Remote Desktop Manager is extremely useful in my day to day work, making connecting to servers and services extremely easy across a wide variety of customer environments and connection types.
I work as a full time IT/Network Administrator, as well as doing IT consulting for smaller businesses on the side. With Remote Desktop Manager I simply create a folder for each company. RDP, LogMeIn, or Teamviewer, with Remote Desktop Manager it doesn't matter, I am always able to connect with just one tool.
~ Aaron Studer IT Professional
Remote Desktop Manager is so much more than a tool for RDP. It's very robust in all that it can do and once you start using it, you'll never turn back. It's my go to tool for all my remote connectivity needs: RDP, iLo/iDRAC, SSH, VI Client, etc...
~ Ben Liebowitz VCP, Systems Engineer
Feature set is huge, support is excellent!
Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager is a tool that just about every systems admin can use to make their lives easier.
Remote Desktop Manager is an Enterprise Architects best friend! I could not support Fortune 1000 customers without it!
Remote Desktop Manager has everything a support technician needs to manage remote desktop connections to a wide variety of different systems. It's more efficient than managing spreadsheets or text files to keep track of remote connections!
~ Russel Smith WindowsITpro.com
I'm working with Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager on different customer sites with different credentials and remote access types, like RDP, Citrix, SSH-Clients, Websites, etc. Remote Desktop Manager helps me to have quick access to the customer environment. If a new colleague attends the site I can export the customer configuration to share them with the new member. Great tool!
~ Matthias Schlimm IT Architect, Login Consultants
Remote Desktop Manager is one of the most feature-rich remote management tools I know. Aside from helping you organize your Remote Desktop connections, it supports a plethora of protocols and even allows you to administer virtualization solutions and cloud environments.
Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager, designed to meet the needs of SMBs and MSPs, provides a secure yet affordable approach to boosting productivity
~ Christine Preusler Editor, HostingAdvice
Remote Desktop Manager is so much more secure than the many options that I have used or seen used in the past, and the speed to access the information or the servers is incredibly fast and easy.
Remote Desktop Manager is a wonderful and must-have tool you don't want to miss out. It's a 5-star program I highly recommended.
~ Kent Chen NextofWindows.com
Remote Desktop Manager is a great tool which needs to be present in every IT Pro's toolbox.
Douglas A. Brown - Founder of DABCC.com - Microsoft MVP, Citrix CTP, VMware vEXPERT
David Szpunar - Vice President of Technology Services at PC Help Services, Inc
Aaron Studer - IT Professional
Ben Liebowitz - VCP, Systems Engineer
Freek Berson - Microsoft MVP on Remote Desktop Services
Gabe Knuth - Independent Industry Analyst
Shawn Tooley - Senior Virtualization / Cloud Architect at IBM
Russel Smith - WindowsITpro.com
Matthias Schlimm - IT Architect, Login Consultants
Michael Pietroforte - Microsoft MVP - Founder and editor of 4sysops.com
Christine Preusler - Editor, HostingAdvice
Chris Shaw - Microsoft MVP on SQL Server
Kent Chen - NextofWindows.com
Ruben Spruijt - CTO @ PQR – Microsoft MVP, Citrix CTP and VMware vEXPERT


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